Jung sometimes refers to the archetypal Feminine, an aspect of the Anima, as "Eros," relatedness, the Feminine principle, or symbolically as Luna, the moon.

Likewise, Jung sometimes refers conceptually to the archetypal Masculine, a component of the Animus, as “Logos,” essential reason, the Masculine principle, or symbolically as Sol, the Sun. 

In regard to archetypal Masculine-Feminine energies, Jung will refer to the “two and the one” merger as the mysterium coniunctionis, the mystical marriage, referencing the return to the Whole. The mystical marriage is always playing in the background of any serious relationship. 

The mysterium coniunctionis is described as the opposites coming back together again on a profound level. This marriage of the two in the one is another image of the archetypal Self, where the coincidence of opposites, in this case the archetypal Masculine and the archetypal Feminine, becomes a central feature of the personality as a whole.  

Jungian concepts have experienced a resurgence and renewal in popular culture. They continue to instigate interest and creativity because they carry a vitality that originates from Jung's deep and authentic engagement with the psyche both personally and empirically. Anima and Animus are terms given by Jung to name archetypal energies present in our psychological lives to varying degrees and in a myriad of ways. Discussion of these terms can easily get muddled in the limitations of language and in the influence/contamination of the cultural paradigm in which they were first implemented and discussed. Careful consideration of Jung's decades-long evolution as a thinker and observer, and an understanding of his profound interest in balance and inclusion (i.e. wholeness) must set the tone when beginning to consider his writing and counsel on how to work with (clarify, rehabilitate, and consciously engage with) the archetypal Feminine and archetypal Masculine energies within.

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